Friday, 13 June 2014

First Aid training

Flotta class took part in a First Aid course with Mark today. 

We learnt how to bandage cuts, put arms in slings, how to treat burns, give CPR and how to put people in the recovery position.

The course was really interesting and has shown us how to keep both ourselves and others safe.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Commonwealth Day

On Friday 30th May P7's organised and lead a Commonwealth Day.  Each class had a chance to come along and take part in 5 different activities planned by P7's. 

 There were obstacle courses, ball skill activities, games of football and relay races.  

 We had teams from all over the Commonwealth!! Australia...
 We even had a kangaroo turn up to play in goals!!

 In the afternoon Pre-school, P1 and P2 came out to take part too. 

Michael Swannie from Active Schools also came out to join in the fun.  Both he and Mrs Shearer were very proud of the P7's Leadership skills so presented them each with a certificate to show their appreciation and how well they had done.  

Athletics Success

Ellen and Tegan took part in the Primary Athletics Competition on Thursday 29th May at Picky.  Both girls did really well winning medals for Cricket ball, Long jump and various running events.  We are very proud to say that the girls also took home the shield for the overall winner in their age group; Tegan coming in 1st and Ellen coming in 2nd place.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

P6 and P7 Class Challenge

 On Thursday 29th May, P6 and P7 joined together whilst the rest were at the Athletics Competition.  Mrs Shearer set us a challenge to design a '10 Star Hotel for Kids'.                                                             

 We worked in groups to design various parts of our dream hotel.  We included things like ice cream factories, swimming pools, football pitches, vending machines, hidden rooms with saunas and hot tubs, fizzy juice beds and glass floors with fish underneath!!!! Our imaginations ran WILD!!

We then presented our hotels to the rest of the class and each person decided which hotel they would like to stay in.                                      

Jamaican Steel Pan Workshop

As part of the Commonwealth P7 travelled to Papdale Primary School to take part in a Steel Pan Workshop with Mrs Bain.                                    

We all tried various types of steel pans, including; tenors, guitars and base.

Some of us even tried to play the Bongo!!

Commonwealth Day Preparations

As part of P7's Leadership skills programme they are to lead activities for other members of the school.  They have been busy planning a Commonwealth Day which will take place this Friday 30th May on the school pitch.                           

They have been really busy designing posters and planning activities which the whole school can enjoy.  

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Athletics Success

Ellen and Tegan travelled to Inverness last weekend to take part in an Athletics competition.  They both competed in 100m, 200m and the Long Jump.  Both girls had great fun!! Ellen made it into the final with Tegan winning silver medals for 200m and the Long Jump.  Well done girls!!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Transition Sports

 Last Friday, 23rd May, P7's from the West mainland took part in Transition Sports organised by Active Schools.  P7's from various schools who will attend the Stromness Academy next year joined together to take part in activities.  We learnt some new skills involved in Athletics, Badminton and Tag Rugby.

It was a great opportunity for everyone to meet new and old friends ahead of joining S1 together in August.                                                        
Part of the day centered around the Commonwealth Games.  We were split into 3 teams; Jamaica, Canada and Australia.  I think everyone will agree it was great fun!!