Friday, 21 March 2014

K'Nex Estimating and Measuring Challenge

As part of our maths this term we have been learning how to estimate and measure.  Mrs Shearer set us a challenge to design a playground which needed to have various items with different measurements.                                              
 We estimated lengths using items we knew the sizes of as a guide.  We then checked our estimations using a ruler or meter stick.
 Our playground had to have an area of 3600cm squared so we had to remember the formula then calculate the length of each side.

 Some groups added in extra pieces of playground equipment...tents, tunnels, tyres for jumping and climbing in etc.

 We then gave a 5 minute presentation on each of our models, explaining the things we had included and thinking about how well we worked as a group.  Mrs Shearer then measured some pieces of equipment to check how accurate at estimating and measuring we were.  Most of us managed to accurately estimate and measure when constructing our models.


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